Gemstones 101: The Stones That Strengthen
In our previous post on gemstones, we covered the stones that rejuvenate. This week, we bring you a whole new array of gemstones which embodies and connotes empowerment and strength.
Black Onyx: For Discipline
The Black Onyx is all about balance, moderation, and discipline. It is thought to have protective properties and bring inner strength, self-confidence and mental discipline to its wearer.
A grounding stone, it is believed to keep a person firmly grounded to reality – an apt reminder in today’s society. Perhaps a sneak peek in the mirror with your Bamboo Willow Ring in Black Onyx would be an ingenious way of reminding you to stay humble at your peak and ever hopeful at your lowest.
Green Amethyst: For Fortune
Green Amethyst is most popularly known as the stones of good fortune and luck. Whilst the soft soothing green hue is often enough reason to bring a smile to your face – the added symbolism of prosperity should only widen your grin.
Don a pair of Flower Jade Studs in Green Amethyst and who knows - perhaps you’ll find the winds of fortune swaying in your favour. It’s the reinvented modern women’s take on the traditional lucky penny or rabbit’s foot. After all, there’s really no such thing as too much luck.
Peridot: For Growth
August babies, here’s a cause for celebration – your birthstone, the stunning Peridot, is thought to strengthen life and bring about pesonal growth. It is said that the origins of Peridot’s name is derived from the Greek word “peridona” of which its meaning roughly translates into “giving plenty”.
Whilst change and new beginnings don’t always come easy, may your Peridot remind you of the unsurmountable growth and abundance coming your way. Generosity and growth when held hand in hand makes for the admirable qualities of a modern day hero.
Smoky Quartz: For Endurance
Smoky Quartz is believed to be nature's stone of endurance and serenity. This stone is also said to radiate calmness for a balanced mind and soul to withstand any setbacks that may come your way.
We’re firm believers that the women of Choo Yilin are unyielding in their beliefs and adamant in their values, because that is exactly what we model ourselves after. Strong and enduring – the solid ground amidst uncertainty, the Smoky Quartz represents these empowering values.
It’s easy to succumb to the visual allure of these stunning gemstones. However, beyond just being the perfect kind of eye-candy, perhaps their meaning and symbolism can help add an extra touch of individuality to the piece of jewellery. After all, nothing beats a beautiful gem with a story and meaning behind it.
Read the first part of Gemstones 101 here to find out what the Amethyst, Topaz, Lemon Quartz, and Moonstone stand for.