How To Measure Your Jade Bangle Size


How do I find out my jade bangle size?

Traditionally, one would visit a jeweller to get fitted for their bangle size. Alternatively, here are some tips to help you determine your bangle size in the comfort of your own home.

How do I put on the jade bangle?

At Choo Yilin, we recommend slipping on a single, very thin glove over the hand before sliding the bangle on. The glove has the same properties as a lubricant, reducing friction, without the risks of an actual one*.   

These gloves are common household items, readily available in most supermarkets or pharmacies. They may also be purchased online, an example being this 100% compostable, biodegradable option.  

*Lubricants, like cream or soap, are not recommended for two reasons - 
(i) They can reduce the grip on the bangle, increasing the risk of dropping and damaging it; 
(ii) Chemicals in the cream and soap may interact with the delicate gold work, possibly damaging it. 

Where is the best place to wear my jade bangle? 

Most classically, jade bangles are worn on one’s wrist. 

It is important to note that one’s jade bangle size is usually determined more by one’s  palm size than wrist size. What this means is that a relatively small palm size often results in a snugly fit bangle at the wrist.

Jade bangles are sometimes also worn on one’s forearm. This fit is particularly well suited to a larger palm size, especially in proportion to one’s wrist.

If I wear my jade bangle too snugly, will it be stuck? 

This is a concern that many clients have raised. We would like to assure you that if the bangle can be put on, it can be taken off! You may wish to use the glove again when it’s time to slip the bangle off. 

I’m gifting the bangle but I don’t know what her size is. What should I do? 

Unlike metal rings that can be resized, the organic nature of jade bangles does not allow for it. It is hence important that you are confident of the bangle sizing before purchasing it. 

Be it a gift for a loved one or for yourself, we encourage our clients to purchase necklaces or earrings instead if they are unclear about the bangle size. We want your jewellery experience to be one of joy, and not be marred by anxiety. <3