Sakura - Japan's Beloved Flower
Cherry blossoms at the Kyoto Botanical Gardens. Photo credit to Flickr.
As the Sakura season draws near, we find ourselves once again smitten.
The cherry blossom tree, also known as Sakura to the Japanese, holds much significance and beauty in Asian culture. The Sakura season in Japan typically begins in the last week of March and lasts approximately for two to three weeks. It is believed that cherry blossoms brings forth hope and spiritual awareness.
As the blooming period of the cherry blossom tree is short, the season is much anticipated in Japanese culture. Its lovely pink hues are a sight to behold, and an iconic representation of love and joy. Its short-lived beauty also serves as a reminder of mortality and humanity, that life is precious and beautiful, and should be lived out to its fullest.
When the cherry blossom season ends, the flowers fall to the ground and are subject to natural elements. Though wilted, the blossoms hold on to their elegance, symbolising strength through hard times, and the celebration of embracing life.
The blooming of the Sakura is no doubt a sight to behold. But the visual spectacle coupled with a deeper understanding of its significance would only serve to allow for greater appreciation of these stunning flora.
“Due to their short bloom time, Sakura blossoms are a metaphor for life itself: beautiful yet fleeting.”